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Hotel MariaKapel
From 2010 - 2014 I have been working for Hotel MariaKapel. At first co-directing with Josine Siderius and later with Bas Hendrikx. Main elements of my work for HMK were curating the program, securing the finances, supporting the artists in their projects and handeling the PR. Currently I am involved as a boardmember.

HMK is a exhibition space in a former Maria Chapel with a guesthouse in Hoorn. The organisation works specifically in a local enviroment with a program based in the national and international art-discourse. A part of the program is selected through an anual open call for projects.For more information please check the
website or contact; office [at] hotelmariakapel dot nl

Underneath five examples of the approx. 25 shows that I was involved in.

Recaptured Surroundings
Februari – March 2014
With: Agata Madejska (PL), Joseph Gower (UK), Jasper Niens (NL) and Luiza Margan (CR / BUL )
An exhibition on the recapturing, and appropriating your immediate surroundings. The exhibition featured works by four artists who copy various aspects of the urban environment and work in relation to their surroundings.
From light political satire to historical analytical work, visual examination and a meticulously build installation in an existing space. The surroundings are under scrutiny, to be exposed and to open up to the viewer.

On the left a part of the installation of Jasper Niens, on the right 196 by Agata Madejska (courtesy Parrotta Gallery Stuttgart) (Photo Annette Behrens)

Suburban Surprise
With: Karl Philips (BE), Sil Krol (NL) and Mariela Limerutti (AR).
June and July 2013
During the months June and July, four artists worked in the public space of Enkhuizen, a town near Hoorn. This pop-up project, that goes by the title Suburban Surprise, took place in the public space of neighborhood ‘Plan Noord’. Inhabitants encountered works in the public domain, unrequested and unexpected. Projects ranged from, Mariela Limerutti importing exotic plants from the Argentinian garden of her deceased mother looking for Enkhuizen residents to adopt these foreign species, to Sil Krol making sculptural interventions in a suburban environment subverting the local infrastructures.

Electricity-box II, Sil Krol (NL) intervention in public space of Enkhuizen (Photo Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk)

With: Ericka Florez, Adrian Gaitan, Juan Sébastian Ramirez (CO), Wouter Sibum, Maze de Boer and Leonard van Munster (NL)
March - April 2013
Exchange program with artist in residency lugar a dudas in Colombia.
The purpose of the project was intercontinental organizational exchange and international exposure for the artists. I have selected the dutch artists Maze de Boer and Leonard van Munster, and also found a suitable location to exhibit one of my own works. All the Dutch works were made on location concerningspecific local parameters, making a connection between art and the public space.

Depth of Field #2, Maze de Boer (NL) in lugar a dudas Santiago de Cali, Colombia 2013

A Social
Co-curated with Josine Siderius
March – September 2012
With: Katze und Krieg (GER), Zoe Kreye (US), Catherine Grau (GER), Jenske Dijkhuis (NL),
Sylvie Rodrigues (ES), Cathy Weyders (CH), Alexia Mellor (US), Tiina Saanila (FIN), Mikko
Kanninen (FIN) a.o.
A SOCIAL is mainly executed in Hoorn's public space; in August and September, 10 artists have been working on temporary art projects in a local neighborhood (Grote Waal) in Hoorn. Some projects have strong social or relational components, where others are more sculptural. The A SOCIAL research phase took place from March through August, and the projects were evaluated during A SOCIAL discussion. The Maria Chapel functioned as a studio and (visual) library during the three stages of the project. For HMK, A SOCIAL was the first time where research and project-residencies were part of the same project, strongly solidifying the project in HMK's local context, as well as providing all sculptural and social projects with a strong and sustainable basis. In December, the research and intervention has
been carefully evaluated and contextualized with a conference on (temporary) art in public space,during A SOCIAL discussion.

Crowd during participatory walk of 'How to walk together' by Zoë Kreye and Catherine Grau

The Making Of Now
Co-curated with Josine Siderius
Exhibition: 6 March – 27 March 2011
With: Annette Behrens (DE), Kimberly Meenan (US), Anique Weve (NL)
With The Making of Now, the new curators of HMK introduce HMK’s new yearprogramme, titled The Other Is Here. An important aspect of this exhibition, and the yearprogramme for that matter, is its strong extroverted focus, that shows a welcoming attitude towards new influences, flavours and ideas. Another element that is strongly emphasized in both HMK’s first show of 2011, and its 2011 yearprogramma, is the concept of social interaction; both societal relations, but also the relationship the artist shares with its audience. Exactly these interactions define the culture and meaning of the Now. In The Making of Now, the artists expose these cultural structures and social processes in anarchistic or loving ways. Behrens,
Meenan and Weve share an extroverted and critical perspective, always employing a context-specific approach where research and interaction play an important part. Annette Behrens, who has lived and worked in the Netherlands since 2001, graduated from the Post Sint Joost Academy in 2010. In her work, Behrens often searches for ‘the other’. Her photography shows intruiging and sympathetic portraits of people who move just outside the edges of society, or don’t meet the regular social ‘norm’, that often questions the perspective of the audience. In the work of Anique Weve, she explores social orders and conventions. By placing both participants and audience in diverging roles, she proposes a new perspective, researching a potential shift in social standards. In her work The New Family Weve compiled a new family out of several relative strangers, who she then took on a family outing.
The work of Kimberly Meenan is created around her fascination with the border between public and private, and between nature and culture. Even the border between her own life and her work shifts continually, often allowing her installations to become personal meetings, rather than objects in space.

Overview of the opening event of The Making of Now (Photo Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk)

Underneath a few extra examples of the approx. 25 shows that I was involved in.