Copyright 2023
out / box

A new found Glory

In collaboration with Nicolas Vionnet (CH)

Paddling pool, fountain pumps, LED lights (red/green), ivy; dimensions variable
Herdbrücke, Ulm (GER)
Wir sind die Stadt, Kultur Fahrschule i.c.w. Roxy

This project was conceived in a closed public toilet known as the Müllloch (litter-hole) next to the Herdbrücke at the Donau in Ulm.
For years, this non-place is closed off for the public. It gathers more and more garbage and is overgrown by weeds and wild flowers over the years.

Vionnet and Sibum responded to the still unresolved problem with an artistic intervention. The two artists installed a fountain in the middle of the forbidden zone. A fountain that is only just visible for the passersby, but once looked into the hole reveils to be filling the space completely. Thus, not only surprising the passersby - at the same time also a touch of festivity and glory returned to the old city wall in Ulm.